We find ourselves living in unprecedented times… or do we? History has a nasty way of repeating itself every 50 or so years. We are living through something that has happened time and time again throughout our human evolution. Light Ages taken over by Dark Ages and vice versa but the formula stays the same. Someone decides that they know better as to how you should live, they seize power by telling you how wonderful they are and BANG!!! before you know it the world is on the brink of Armageddon… again.
What a strange species we are, sometimes compassionate and caring, wanting the best for everyone and then all of a sudden our ugly side shows up, creating chaos, misery and suffering for supposed enemies. What is it about us that makes this happen? I have been trying to wrap my head around the current events of our time but I cannot make sense of it all. I believe the majority of humanity just want to live in peace and harmony, have food in their and their children’s bellies, a roof over their heads and aspersions of a better life for their family and friends. Doesn’t sound too complicated or far fetched now does it? Enter the Meglomaniacs, the despots who think they are smarter, more entitled and just all around totally out of touch with the rest of humanity. They wreak havoc with their insatiable demands, their greed knows no bounds and all the while telling everyone who will listen “they know what is best for everyone.”
Always in the end, these Despotic Demagogues fail but not before they destroy communities, harmony and the wellbeing of entire nations of people all over the world. Those who follow and believe in their rhetoric always have an excuse for what in the end just comes down to plain old bad behaviour. Being able to point the finger of blame at “the others,” gives them license to do all manner of despicable things in the name of righteousness. It is a sad indictment on our world society that we find ourselves back in a situation where “for evil to prevail, good people must simply do nothing.”
I was hoping to live out my Autumn/Winter years in serenity and contemplation. Being ever mindful of the needs of those around me. This idyllic fantasy seems to be evaporating before my very eyes… just like my superannuation. What the future holds remains to be seen, I for one, will not quietly accept the hostile mandates of a handful of narcissistic individuals, hellbent on becoming the first “trillionaires” on the backs of the masses.
When the really greedy and the really needy are all that is left on planet earth and the middle class which supports both is squeezed so hard they cease to exist, there can only be one outcome. History has shown this time and time again. All past civilizations have failed, if they hadn’t we’d still be under that rule.
The pendulum keeps swinging, left to right, right to left but only when it stays in the middle is there equilibrium. Whatever your beliefs are, we are all in this together and I hope for the sake of all the children of the world, the great humanitarians of days gone by, such as FDR & Eleanor Roosevelt rise up and stop the madness before we find history repeating itself yet again.
Never lose the hope that things will get better.