
Tres Vitas is Latin for three lives. It is my belief that we need to incorporate all three stages of development during our life cycle which include birth, life and death. One life, three stages. Spring into Summer, Summer into Autumn, Autumn into Winter. As we move through the stages of our lives, our experiences, environment and connections to those around us have a profound effect on the individuals we become. 

Throughout the world there are many different ideologies and methodologies which give meaning and purpose to our lives. We pass these down from generation to generation for various reasons. Culture and tradition have many wonderful and horrible practices wherever we go in the world. In eastern philosophy the symbol of Yin/Yang speak to the nature of balance in all things. The bright side of this equation is our need for love and connection, we are a social species. I believe when we love ourselves it allows us to open our hearts and minds and offer compassion and loving kindness to those we cross paths with. 

It is my belief that our journey through life is a series of peaks and valleys, we must remember the peaks so that when we take a tumble into a valley we can climb right back out. Sometimes however, the valley is the place we need to be for a time. Sitting with our thoughts, feelings and emotions can be difficult at times but it is an integral part of who and what we are. Trials and tribulations, triumphs and accolades, we strive to “be the best versions” of ourselves. The TresVitas method takes into account where we are in each and every moment of this divine journey called life. 

Childhood, Adulthood, Elderhood… each present its own set of challenges and rewards. When we incorporate all three into our daily existence… life can be truly wondrous.