
Greetings and Salutations!

My name is Corinne Bozsoky and I’d like to share a little story with you. You see, I believe we are all connected by the energy of the universe and when we tap into that energy, we are all the better for it.

I was born in 1964 and have lived through some amazing changes during my time on what Carl Sagan refers to as The Pale Blue Dot. Up until 2006, I was living with the adequate health of a healthy young adult. Although I had many “accidents” throughout my childhood and adulthood, I had never broken any bones or suffered any debilitating illness.

At the age of 42, while working in a partnership in a Doggy Daycare, I herniated L5/S1 which had lasting implications on the person I would become. I had come to a major crossroad in my life. Do I go down the road of drugs and surgery or do I use exercise physiology and alternative practices to alleviate my pain and suffering?

Luckily for me, I live in a place with many options and during the first three months of my “rehabilitation” I used a combination of heavy duty pain killers and anti-inflammatory drugs to ease my pain. My physiotherapist put me on to a wonderful group put together by Anna Louise Bouvier called Physiocise and my journey to wellness in began in earnest. 

As time passed, I explored a myriad of of techniques, programs and practices. I became aware that my mind/body had the ability to release pain and heal, using what I had discovered. This led me to develop a daily practice which continues to grow and change as I continue on my journey through this life.

In 2022 I completed a Diploma of Counselling with NBMC (Australia). I received a certification as a Teacher of Mindfulness and Meditation with ACMM (Australia) in 2023. In 2024 I added a Certificate in Modern Qigong Teacher Training, Qigong Foundations facilitated by Nicole Lee Qigong (NLQ). I utilise these skills when guiding individuals through the TresVitas method. I am a member of IICT (International Institute for Complementary Therapists) and adhere to their Codes of Conduct and Ethics. I also hold a current First Aid certification.

Tres Vitas (three lives) incorporates the three integral states of being during our time on this planet. Childhood, Adulthood and Elderhood. These three states take place in one body which is in a constant state of change. When we use aspects from each of these seasons of our lives, we can achieve wholeness, abundance and vitality from birth to death. It is a method that utilises the whole body and our daily activities to facilitate health and vitality. Conscious awareness and personal responsibility of how one moves through their life is one of the key components of the TresVitas method. Treating ourselves as well as those we interact with in a manner which fosters caring, compassion and loving kindness is a core principle of TresVitas.

“Never lose your Childlike exuberance, become a responsible Adult and when you become an Elder share your wisdom wisely.”

Enjoy the Journey. 

Corinne Bozsoky 

The TresVitas method