
Becoming a responsible Adult.

Adulthood, the middle, often referred to as the most important part of our existence. A time in our lives when we can throw off the shackles of conformity and make our way in the world on our own steam. Adults carry so much responsibility for what happens in our world and depending on how they are raised as Children, the outcome can be wonderful or a narcissistic nightmare.

Adults care for our Children and are supposed to care for the Elders in many cultures. Adults (unfortunately children sometimes as well) create new life, are brimming with idea’s and want to make their mark upon our world. Some do it kindly, beautifully and with good intentions. Others feel the need to control and oppress in order to make their idea’s and opinion matter. The Adult is the swirling symbol of Yin/Yang, full of Qi but trying to find balance and meaning as they find their way on the journey through life. Light and dark, elation and despair, beauty and hideousness etc. all states of being have an equal and opposite energy, it is in the finding of balance that we strive for in this dance of life.

As Adults, the weight of the world is heavy on our shoulders and comes with huge responsibility. Adults represent the Present, in the Past(Elder), Present(Adult), Future(Child) scenario. Personal responsibility is key to living an authentic life and the Somatic experience needs to be cultivated during this time to ensure the Adult stays grounded and and the heart Chakra remains open. When our energy flows through us freely, we can be powerful without the need to sap the energy of those around us.

Adulthood… a time of great power, a gift… the Present. Use it well.