
As an Elder share your wisdom wisely.

“You have been in this world for at least half of a century, welcome to Elderhood the final leg of the journey.” Many find this statement confronting as our modern times would have us believe that only youth and the young are important. Death is a subject shunned by many who live in fear of it but no one gets out of this life alive. In Elderhood we face death head on, the greatest challenge next to Birth. At each end of the journey pain is present, in birth, we have no choice… in Death many. How we deal with pain, emotional, physical or spiritual is entirely up to the individual. Some choose education and exploration, others denial and suffering, whichever you choose, energy will facilitate your choices.

I have heard it said that once we turn fifty, we start to fade, becoming invisible in our fast paced technological society. I do not believe this to be true. If the light that shines bright within us, illuminates all those around us, we never fade. It is up to the individual, through daily practice to ensure the light continues to burn bright by staying connected to “the source” in whatever form it takes for you.

In ancient societies, the Elders were revered and held a place in their communities of respect and admiration. The wizened, craggy, old faces, beautiful in the knowledge they possess. The sparkling white or grey hair shining like the moon above, still vibrant and full of life. Sharing the wisdom of the ages and handing it down to those on the rise.

Elderhood is not for the faint hearted, it is the highest form or level that can be attained. It takes grit, determination and above all else, Love to achieve this mantle of perfection. We are all perfect in each and every moment of our existence, Elderhood allows us to look back over the journey that is our life, to muse and share stories with the Children who will (hopefully) become Elders in the fullness of time.

We are such brief creatures in this universe of ours, our molecules come together in a momentary flash and disappear into the void just as quickly, the the shooting stars in the night sky. We should cherish our time together and those who raise us up, who help each other’s energies flow, it is our wisdom of life that endures.

If you are lucky enough to make it to Elderhood, share your wisdom wisely, you are the “Pot of gold” at the end of the rainbow.