Have you ever wondered where you fit in “The Big Picture”?
Recently, I came across Carl Sagan’s “Pale Blue Dot” and it really resonated with me. A barely perceptible pale blue dot suspended in a sunbeam. Whenever I am feeling overwhelmed by the issues of the day, this is the place I go to in my minds eye to put things into perspective.
Some would argue that this is not based in reality, based on their unshakable faith. While others would argue that that faith is misguided. With all the differing opinions from around the globe (or disc for the flat earthers out there) don’t Carl’s words ring true? The power of perception and interpretation are as unique as fingerprints, with each individual having the last say on what they choose to believe. That having been said, if I can get you to believe in “my” interpretation of reality then it must strengthen our collective belief. The old adage “there’s strength in numbers” fits perfectly here. So how does one go about changing another’s mindset? Some would use indoctrination, bullying and intimidation, while others appeal to a kinder, altruistic and gentle method of changing another’s perspective. I am constantly bemused at the juxtaposition of life on our planet.
I watched a Netflix documentary a while ago “Life in the Doghouse” and it was both touching and scary at the same time. Some of the imagery was shocking and heartbreaking and some of it uplifting and joyful, I have seen many of these stories over the years. We are constantly bombarded with mixed messages of hope and despair and it begs the question… why is it so? If every individual has a brain which is where all concepts, strategies, coping mechanisms etc. are formed to move within our environment; surely at some stage we should be able to come together to solve our issues on this “Pale Blue Dot”.
Why are some beings able to inflict immeasurable suffering and chaos upon those around them, while others are constantly trying to clean up and care for those hurt by the actions of others. What would happen if each individual became “Personably Responsible” for their own actions within their lifetime. What would the “Saints” do without the “Sinners” and vice versa. Can we imagine living in a world where there are no problems to be addressed, no conflicts to be settled, nothing in need of saving?
I have the greatest respect for individuals who are trying to “make the world a better place” and it is my hope that through philanthropic organisations, some day we may live in a world where there is no oppression or suffering. If one day, the individual will take responsibility for their own actions, stand up and be counted, not cowed, cleanup their own messes and not look to others for judgment, approval, status, admiration etc. maybe we will find ourselves living in place that is truly wondrous.
Sometimes, I feel so overwhelmed by the issues that we are faced with today, I wonder “what can I do” to help make the changes I’d like to see in the world. My answer is from another documentary I saw years ago entitled “I Am”.
The bottom line… “I am the problem and I am the solution”. To all of you who are trying to make the “Pale Blue Dot” a better place to exist, THANK YOU.