The LIFE BOAT (A Mindfulness Meditation Journey)

By Corinne Bozsoky (26th January 2018)


Imagine yourself sitting in a lifeboat as it gently sways and swirls on a beautiful crystal clear river. It gently cradles your body giving you a sensation of comfort and security as you journey along the crystal river that represents your life. Sometimes, the current on the river is slow and lazy, other times fast and turbulent but your life boat keeps you protected and secure no matter what the current on the river throws at you. Floating gently downstream, you find yourself entering into a magnificent forest and notice the deep green of the tall trees surrounding you, their scent filling your nostrils. Breathing deeply, allowing a sensation of cool, clean air to fill your lungs, perhaps giving you a feeling of being cleansed and renewed. BREATHING GENTLY & NATURALLY now, sensing a gentle calmness filling your entire body.

Your lifeboat gently beaches itself on a sandy embankment. Climbing out you notice the feeling of the warm, soft sand squish between your toes. Perhaps at this point, giving yourself a little smile of appreciation for all the little things in life making you feel good. Turning around and curiously looking at your lifeboat, it instantly transforms into a luminescent sphere floating silently towards you and staying with you wherever you go, a mindful witness on your journey.

Wandering slowly down a path through the forest, taking everything in through all of your bodily senses…the feeling of connection to the earth beneath your feet. The scent of the pine needles wafting through the air. Simply noticing the sound of chirping crickets, perhaps watching the twittering birds above you. Feeling the warmth of the sun on your face as the dappled sunlight streams through the tall trees. Drinking in everything and tasting the warm sweet sunshine in your mouth as you are breathing in. Deciding in this moment to allow yourself time to pause to enjoy the beauty that is surrounding you. Peace and serenity abound in this joyful space.

Travelling again, along the path and perceiving an opening through the trees, you find yourself entering a golden field of wheat which might represent the abundance in your life. The sky is bright blue with big puffy white clouds floating lazily by, the wheat rustles and undulates as a gentle breeze swirls around you…it’s breathtaking and you find yourself giving thanks to the earth for the abundance surrounding you.

In the distance you notice a house at the end of the path. Sensing immediately that this is your house, it fills you with a sense of knowing and contentment because you know this house so well. It represents your Past, Present and Future and you sense now, you are home. Crossing the threshold, you observe a splendid staircase representing your Future, a long hallway representing the Present and a welcoming living room representing your Past. Taking a moment now, standing silently in this hallway called the Present and considering that each moment of your life passes through you here, from the Future to the Past. Looking to the left, you see the living room is filled with all the moments of your life. Some are treasures to be kept forever, while others are sitting in a little pile by the window waiting patiently to be discarded. Feeling deeply in your heart that each of these moments, whether they be good, bad or indifferent are all pieces of the journey that is your life. Without each and every one of them, painful or pleasurable, you would not be standing in this Present but a different Present. Strolling through the room now, nodding with a smile of gratitude to all the people, places and things that brought you feelings of joy, happiness and contentment on your journey through this life. Moving gently and compassionately to the window now and with infinite kindness, addressing your moments of pain, fear, anxiety and sadness which are waiting patiently to be let go. Lovingly opening your window, you release them back out into the universe where all energy, positive and negative combine. They rejoin the flow and maybe, just maybe, get to come back as positive energy in the future.

The Future calls… “come and share my secrets” so you allow yourself to climb the splendid staircase with a sense of exhilaration and wonderment. At the top of the staircase is a blue door. Opening it, you find yourself standing on a platform. Looking up you see the glorious Universe. Next, looking down you see the Earth. Noticing the deep blue of the sea, the brilliant white glaciers and cumulus clouds, the vibrant green of the forest and jungles and the dazzling gold of the plains and deserts. You also notice the little red fires of pain, fear, greed and suffering, which unfortunately are part of life on planet Earth. The Universe whispers “come and share my secrets” once again and allowing yourself to take a deep breathe you leap from the platform, your luminescent sphere envelopes you like a comforting space suit. The Universe is lifting you up and you experience a sensation of floating though space, the stars are shining like diamonds. In this moment in time and space, you find yourself feeling connected to everything by all the ever changing stardust in the Universe. Perhaps feeling this deeply and intuitively, giving yourself permission to allow this incredible energy to flow through every cell in your entire body. This energy appears to you in the form of a golden glow and a gentle voice. The Universe is speaking to you in a voice that is quiet, intense and full of loving kindness, a voice reaching deep inside you.

“You are the Universe and the Universe is within You.”

At this point, perhaps you maybe feeling a profound sense of power flowing throughout your entire being. Possibly you find yourself deciding to carry this feeling within your heart as you make your journey back to the Present. Showering the earth with your radiant golden glow, you extinguish the little red fires of pain and suffering, turning them instead into the warm golden glow of controlled camp fires, sharing warmth and sustenance with all who seek it. Seeing your world in the present and future as you would have it… beautiful, joyous and abundant.

Landing gently back on the platform and sliding down the banister with childlike exuberance, back into the hallway of the Present moment and joyously carrying the secrets of the Universe deep within you. Allowing yourself to realise you are grounded in the HERE and NOW and that you are the gift that is life. Perhaps now, giving a little nod and a smile of appreciation to your Past and your Future. You don’t always know why things happen in life, but you know that everything unfolds just as it is meant to.

Heading back through the field of abundance, perhaps finding yourself happily humming a little tune. Breathing deeply in the forest once again, feeling exhilarated and renewed. Your luminescent sphere playfully jumps ahead of you and returns to the shape of a lifeboat. Climbing back in, an incredible sense of calm and tranquility settles into your mind, body and spirit as you continue your journey along the crystal river which is leading you to a sea of infinite possibilities within your life.

The light that shines within you illuminates all those who see it in you. Carry that light always.


© Copyright Corinne Bozsoky